DATE & TIME: 02 December 2023, 0800 officer staff & cadets, 0900 family and friends. LOCATION: Hamburg VFW Post 1419.
DAY 1: DATE & TIME: 5 November 2022, 0715 officer staff & 0730 cadets. LOCATION: Naval Park. DAY 2: DATE & TIME: 6 November 2022, 0715 officer staff & 0730 cadets. LOCATION: NOSC at 3 Porter Ave, Buffalo, NY 14201.
DAY 1: DATE & TIME: 10 December 2022, 0800 officer staff & cadets. LOCATION: Hamburg Township VFW Post 1419. DAY 2: DATE & TIME: 11 December 2022, 0715 officer staff & 0730 cadets. LOCATION: NOSC at 3 Porter Ave, Buffalo, NY 14201.
DATE & TIME: 15 October 2022, 0715 officer staff & 0730 cadets.
LOCATION: Naval Park.
Please feel free to look around and explore the website. We are open for suggestions and ideas.